
Showing posts from December, 2022

Dirty Chimney? Hire a Chimney Sweep!

  For many of us, it’s still much too warm to make a fire in the fireplace, but before you do, it’s wise to hire someone to clean the chimney. They’re more known as chimney sweeps and are usually worth whatever it costs to hire them. The days are gone when you could lower a small boy into a chimney with a broom and force him to clean the soot and creosote from the stovepipe of the fireplace. That may never have happened, but the notion was eternalized by Charles Dickens in the stories of the orphan boy, Oliver Twist, who was sold to a chimney sweep. Clean the  chimney sweeps UK  every winter season if you burn a lot of wood. Chimney fires can be caused by a build-up of soot and creosote and can get a chimney fire that can really mess up a house by burning flammable portions of dry roofs. I’ve witnessed chimney fires and if it’s a big one, it can look like a Roman Candle on steroids. However, it can be a big problem, If the roof is dry. Why clean out the chi...